Invest at a glance
The Software Invest is specially designed for maintaining the complete accounting
for Investors. This takes care of all kind of investors be it stock investor or
commodity investor or Mutual Fund investor etc.. Apart from other general reports
the Software generates the most desired reports viz. Long Term/Short Term and trading
profit/loss reports. Click here to view the modules.
- Trade Entry or Importing trades from the pre-specified reports (eg.Contract Note
or Bill etc..)
- Trade modification
- Purchase Sale Register (Trades for a particular period – Brokerwise, Scripwise , Date wise or
various desired combinations.)
- Total transaction report (Summary of trades scripwise calculating average rates
of total purchase , total sales and the investment value of stock including profit/loss
- Running Av. Analysis (Scrip ledger based on day to day purchase and sales calculating
running investment rates.)
- Profit & loss – Full , Long Term ,Short Term , Trading and BTST on FIFO basis.
- Stock statement as on any date calculated on FIFO basis.
- Detailed Stock (Opening stock, purchases, sales, difference, closing stock with
full details)
- Dividend analysis (If you provide Ex. Div date along with dividend declared by the
company the software will report total dividend to be received company wise very
important report to cross verify the dividend receivable and received.)
- Financial voucher entries – Cash , Bank , Journal etc.
- Import Bank File(Through bank statement file we import all the bank transactions).
- Cash / Bank / Journal book
- Financial Ledger
- Trial Balance , P & L Account , Balance Sheet
- Bank reconcillation
- Interest calculation.